To My Fellow Veterans, I Salute You.
Thank you for answering the call to serve our country and for all you have sacrificed to keep our flag free and secure. While our reasons for joining the military may vary, we all share one thing – love of country and the willingness to defend her.
As a Veteran who now owns and operates his own business, I value the discipline instilled in me that has allowed me to persevere, overcome and achieve even that which seems unlikely. My military experience has honed my appreciation for loyalty, faithfulness, and integrity; the very core elements of my business today. Through this journey, I have discovered a resiliency, an ability to grab deep within me and drive on. The military is family and we support one another. Had I my career to do over, I wouldn’t change a thing.
I am proud to now serve those who serve our nation. There are many ways we can all serve and pay tribute to our Veterans. Here are just a few:
Every Veteran has a story. Ask to hear it.
Give of your time to serve those who served our country.

Organizations like the DAV offer a wide range of opportunities for individuals who want to make good on the commitment we’ve given our nation’s heroes.
Fly the Flag
Thank the Veterans in your life
Send an email. Pick up the phone. Change your Facebook Status to honor veterans on Veterans Day. There are countless ways to say thank you. Choose one…it will make a difference, trust me.
Support a Veteran-owned business
Tin Hut BBQ is a Disabled American Veteran Owned & Family Operated BBQ Business serving up some of the best smoked BBQ in Hawaii to our Military Service-Members, local communities, local businesses, organizations and many other specialty type events. Navigate our site and come visit us. You’ll be glad you did.