Having folks over for a backyard barbeque is like hosting Thanksgiving — you’re bound to have leftovers! From casseroles to salads, there are countless ways to incorporate leftover barbeque into new dishes, and we’ll be sharing some of our top picks in an upcoming Tin Hut BBQ article.
Do YOU have a favorite recipe for leftover barbeque? If so, we’d love to hear about it!
Whether it’s leftover barbeque brisket, ribs, chicken, burgers, brats, side dishes, or even extra buns, share your recipe or a link to your favorite recipe online and we’ll consider it for our upcoming article!
[contact-form][contact-field label=’How would you like your name to appear with your recipe?’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’If you are a military service member%26#x002c; veteran%26#x002c; military spouse or parent of an active duty service member%26#x002c; let us know and we%26#039;ll include that with your name.’ type=’select’ options=’Choose one or leave blank,Active Duty Service Member,Military Spouse,Parent of Service Member,U.S. Veteran’/][contact-field label=’What is your Email?’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Please share your recipe in the space below%26#x002c; or if there is a recipe online that you think we should include%26#x002c; please share the link.’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]