The Tin Hut BBQ Chocolate-Themed dish for this coming Friday’s Eat the Street France: Chocolate event in Kaka’ako is…
Chocolate Rubbed Ribs!
Our specially-crafted, chocolate-infused rub brings out just the right blend of sweet and savory in these tender, slow-cooked ribs. Only five racks of this limited-edition dish will be available, so get them quick!
Our BBQ Sauces for the evening include Raspberry Chipotle and Spicy Tropical Island Blend, and we’ll be serving up a number of our traditional fan favorites, including Brisket, Tin-Hut Ribs, and the ever-popular Grilled Cheese and Pulled Pork.
Tin Hut BBQ is going around the world this year with the Eat The Street 2015 World Tour.
Eat The Street, Hawaii’s monthly food truck and street food rally features 40 food trucks and food vendors on the last Friday of every month in the Kaka’ako district of Honolulu from 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
From China to the Middle East, this fun-filled year-round food fest kicked off in January with a well-attended Chinese New Year – themed event, and will continue with a new theme each month throughout 2015. For a full calendar of Eat The Street Events, Click here.